The parent company of Coombs, RJ Barwick, has for many decades innovated in the construction industry. Now, as part of our drive to use innovation to make homes fit for purpose, RJ Barwick has been selected to work with their landlord partners utilising the Energiesprong approach to develop optimum standardised whole house retrofit solutions for four of the most challenging and/or common non-traditional home archetypes across sites in Kent and Wolverhampton
This is one of twenty-four heat pump projects in England and Scotland that will share more than £15m in the second round of funding under the UK government’s Heat Pump Ready programme. Heat Pump Ready is part of the £1bn Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP) and funding was announced in October 2021 alongside the Heat and Building Strategy. Its key objectives are to reduce costs and increase the performance of domestic heat pumps, minimise disruption in homes during the process of heat pump installation and develop financial models that support an increase in heat pump deployment.
The image below shows some of the homes in Wolverhampton – three storey Wimpey “No Fines”.

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